5 Ways To Publicize Your “Thought Leading” Ideas

A fundamental part of becoming a thought leader is cultivating your own thought leadership brand. When your innovative ideas are so immense and favorable, the next best thing is to publicize them. Here are some ways on how you can publicize your ideas.

1) Creating an online presence

The Internet is a plethora of platforms that you can use in publishing your ideas and insights. Blogs are the most popular tool for such especially if you are going to embed videos and podcasts to your posts. What is good about these platforms is you may straightforwardly showcase your ideas. Your goal should be creating a community of regular readers and followers. With this, high quality content is key.

2) Giving public speeches

There are many ways to do so including becoming a keynote speaker and a panel member. Start small by doing public speaking on the local clubs before embarking on conferences of big corporations. You may write the local association to consider you as a speaker in their upcoming event after suggesting a relevant topic to the event theme. The goal is becoming visible to as much as diverse audience as possible.

3) Appearing on television

The first thing that you should do is to create your own media kit that you may send over to TV producers. The kit must include the topics that you may comment on. Your first target should be cable channels since they need to fill airtime. If the need arises, you will be booked to guest in a show.

4) Publishing books or e-books

This is perhaps the best way to publicize your innovative ideas through writing and publishing your own book. Since everything’s digital now, you may simply create an e-book and sell it on your website or on Amazon and eBay.

5) Winning some awards

There are award giving bodies that will give you an award because you are an attention drawer now that you’ve become a sought-after thought leader. Nevertheless, there are those that will give you an award because you deserve it. Either way, winning an award or two will always be in your favor since new opportunities, platforms and venues will be created where you may further publicize your ideas, insights and concepts. You may search for relevant award giving bodies in your industry. You need not hesitate to nominate yourself.

Regardless of how you ought to publicize your ideas, the bottom line is telling the world that your ideas and insights can change and shape the world for the better.