For Professional Advancement, Which Social media is Best Suited for What…

There are many social networking platforms. Individual professionals may find it difficult to manage their exposure through multiple channels. It is therefore important to select specific platforms and create a social media marketing strategy.

Here is a list of six popular social media platforms with the best exposure benefits. You can choose to focus on one or more of these depending on your needs.


Linked In is best suited to professional and business networking - from the traditional 'white collar' professions to expressive and artistic ones. Associated Slide-Share makes it easy to showcase work examples.


Twitter works best when you want to engage your audience in conversation. It is great for sharing information, answering questions, and soliciting opinions. This is also a great way to make public links to previously published content, such as on your company's website or blog.


Instagram is great for brand promotion. Instagram is great for brand promotion. If you have photos that communicate your message, Instagram will allow you to reach wider audiences (currently second to Facebook).


Pin-boards are a great way to promote your brand. This is especially useful for content that targets women. So that followers are willing to save and re-pin, pins must be of standalone value.


Facebook is a great social media platform for businesses to promote their products. It can be very helpful for media professionals and creative professionals when it comes to professional development. A professional Facebook page can be created by anyone to show their work. Unique marketing ideas could help create buzz and get you exposure.


YouTube, like Facebook, is a great place for media, creative and other professionals to show their work and reach their target audience. Many video creators claim that they earn revenue from consulting engagements, as well as direct sales.