The Age of the Servant Leader

Our corporate world it seems likes to come up with new names, titles and acronyms all the time, though the actual task involved seldom changes in any meaningful way. One such title that is currently being touted is of a “Servant Leader”. ​

A true leader was always supposed to be someone who truly understood the needs of his/her people. It was a person who knows how to effectively bring people together in a meaningful way and for a common cause. This person would be able to inspire confidence and drive in those they led so that everyone successfully worked towards accomplishing a common goal, a collective vision.

Such a person would work with their group and clearly chalk out their Vision and Mission statement to ensure that everyone is on the same page and has a common understanding of what it is that they need to achieve. Of course, writing out these goals helps to remove any incoherence or ambiguity.

But over time- every supervisor, manager and other senior personnel within a group started called themselves a “leader”. And so, it seems, the industry needed to coin a new term: The Servant Leader. ​

What a Servant Leader does is effectively perform their duties like a true leader. This is not just a person who claims to be the boss and orders people around but is someone who brings large and small groups of people together so as to create an effective team- with a common vision and a clear goal.

Above all, it is a person who recognizes the importance of each member within their group. They realize that every contribution matter and because of this they strive to ensure that every team member feels empowered and supported to best carry out their assigned tasks.

In the age of the Servant Leader, the one who leads needs to serve those who help them accomplish their objectives. ​The team as a whole is cherished, and the servant leader works to ensure optimum interaction and positive dynamics!