This is how you can "strategize" your Project Delivery methodology

Sandhya Bhat

A Scaled Project Framework is required for strategic projects. This approach allows us to strategically evaluate alternative solutions. This modified methodology incorporates the People-Process-Technology triangle.

These are five steps to ensure that you include strategic evaluation in the project delivery process:

1. Identify key stakeholders.

2. You should have a clear idea of what you want, i.e. The desired outcome.

3. To ensure that you fully understand the current work processes of your users and teams, conduct workshops.

4. Document the current cross functional maps. They will show all groups and call outs for gaps, risk, or pain points.

5. Provide a set of proposed process- stacks, pyramids and maps which include call outs to indicate mitigation strategies for each of the above identified call-outs for gaps, risks and pain-points.

These steps will help you gain a better understanding of the problem. It could be a new technology selection or a support update. Or it could be the overhauling of an enterprise application.

You can then propose a strategic solution alternative that will address maximum gaps and pain points along with any list of Requirements that you have elicited from the client-sponsor to arrive at a solution that will achieve the desired outcome.

Ultimately technology needs to enable people and this is done through a process, so when we strategically consider the People-Process-Technology triangle within our usual Project delivery methodology, we provide a technology solution that truly empowers and enables our clients.

About the author: Sandhya Bhat MSc, CSSMBB, CSSE has developed several new and enhanced existing strategic methodologies to improve technology and human capital utilization, produce greater ROI on investments and streamline service delivery. She is an acclaimed author, speaker, a sought after thought leader and an avid world traveler.