This is why it is important to conduct Business Process Modelling 'or' Business Process Mapping

Sandhya Bhat

It does not matter if you are a small business or a large corporation. You need to understand the processes required to get results. These can be routine tasks that are needed to get the job done, or more complex processes that help you reach specific benchmarks and goals.

Many businesses do not see the value in tracing their business processes. They argue that their staff is well-trained and know how to do their jobs, so why not take the time to record it.

You have many benefits to modeling your business process and mapping it.

* A clear understanding of the current work process.

* Process delays and interruptions that were likely overlooked due to apparent lack of clarity

* Pathway for process optimization and quality improvement - To do things better and more efficiently to get better results.

* Training materials to new employees

* Clear understanding of the role of 'other departments' in the organization.

The first step in any business process is to answer some fundamental questions.

* Where would you like to go?

* What are the changes you would like to see?

* What progress/accomplishment do you want/need?

Once you have determined the end point, then it is possible to map out optimized routes to get you from Point A (your current situation) to Point B (your desired goal). This allows for more efficient business process approaches. It is said that if you don’t know where you want, any path will get you there. It is important to have a clear picture of where you are at the moment in order to determine where you want to go. Once you have mapped out your current situation and determined where you want to be in the next time period, you can begin to improve and optimize your process using a variety of proven methods and techniques that will get you there with an efficient and structured approach.

It is often people who work together seamlessly following a defined process. They also use the most appropriate technology to ensure the highest quality results.

About the author: Sandhya Bhat MSc, CSSMBB, CSSE has developed several new and enhanced existing strategic methodologies to improve technology and human capital utilization, produce greater ROI on investments and streamline service delivery. She is an acclaimed author, speaker, a sought after thought leader and an avid world traveler.